GPC "First Friday" Newsletter – May 2021
Dear praying friends!
I recently read a word in the Psalms that really touched me. Psalm 86,9-10: „All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name. For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God.“ God has made the nations! And they shall worship HIM and glorify HIM! How wonderful!!! But you know: Only those nations who bless Israel will come into the final fulfillment of their calling and will finally be healed and finally worship HIM, the Lamb, and reign with HIM. (Rev 22,1-5)
Welcome to our GPC newsletter for May 2021!
Prayer for Israel
Israel continues to be under a lot of pressure and tension: The political crisis after the 4th elections in two years, the covid pandemic, social and financial pressures, the threat by Iran and their proxies, etc. Last week Israel was crushed by the most severe civil catastrophe in its 73 year modern existence: 45 where crushed to death, over 150 hurt at a mass Lag B’Omer event in Meron. „Good Shepherd of Israel – have mercy upon your people!!!“ (Psalm 23)