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May 10-13, 2015 - GPC-Conference Jerusalem (Israel)

“For Zions sake, I will not keep silent!” (Isaiah 62:1) is the Biblical motto of the Global Prayer Day on May 8/9 2015 – as well as the GPC-Conference in Jerusalem, Israel on May 10-13, 2015.

On May 8, 1945 (Russia: May 9) the surrender of Nazi-Germany to the Allied Forces was officially ratified. World War II in Europe came to an end. And most importantly, from a Jewish point of view, the Holocaust was over. Nearly half of the 13 Million Jews living in Europe in 1938 had perished. The rest of them barely escaped with their lives, often under the most traumatic of circumstances.

Today, Israel is again isolated, terrorized and demonized by antisemitic forces. How are the nations of the world responding? Often in ignorance, with indifference, knowingly turning a blind eye and sometimes even sympathizing with the sworn enemies of Israel. Could the parallels with the situation of the Jews of Germany and Austria in 1938 be any more striking?

The bible talks about a “valley of decision” (Joel, 3:14) and about the judgment of nations as either “sheep” or “goat” nations at the return of Jesus (Matt. 25:31-33) based on Genesis 12:1-3. The nations which bless Israel will be blessed. The nations which curse Israel will be cursed. The GPC-book “Israel, the Nations and the Valley of Decision” deals with this topic in greater detail (see right column). How will your nation fare in this end-time judgment scenario? Are you prepared to stand in the gap?

Against this background we invite praying Christians from around the world to join with us in this very strategic and prophetic GPC-Conference in Jerusalem, Israel, from May 10th to May 13th, 2015:

  • To pray blessings over Israel as a priestly representation from our nations.
  • To pray for our nations that they may increasingly become a blessing to Israel and the Jewish people.
  • To pray for the body of Christ in our own countries to understand God’s love for our nations and our Godly mandate and responsibility to pray. 
  • To meet Holocaust survivors and speak comfort to them.
  • To hear testimonies from the nations from the 100 days of prayer (and fasting).
  • To meet like-minded Christians from around the world and worship the Lord together. 
  • To grow in our understanding of the “signs of the times” and the biblical foundations regarding end-time scenarios concerning Israel and the nations.

We invite pastors to come with groups from their churches. We invite intercessory leaders to invite their core group to join. We invite the leaders of Israel-related ministries to join us at the conference. With the KESHET travel agency, we have an excellent partner to help you or your local travel agency tailor your travel arrangements to best meet the needs and/or desires of your group.

Post-Conference Tours

The Team of Global Prayer Call Jerusalem 2015 and European Coalition for Israel put together two very interesting and informative Post-Conference Tours for you. 
GPC International Study Tour (Biblical): 13th to 18th May 2015
European Coalition for Israel Educational Tour (Geo-Political): 13th to 17th May 2015
Please visit to view the itineraries.

Please consider this invitation prayerfully! If you have any questions: Please feel free to ask! If the Spirit confirms, please come! 

Speakers will be (some still to be confirmed): Willem Glashouwer (NL), Tomas Sandell (FIN), Markus Ernst (CH), Harald Eckert (GER), Andrew Tucker (NL), Rick Ridings (IL), George Annadorai (SINGAPORE), Benjamin Berger (IL), Pete Stucken (Australia), Drake Kanaabo (Uganda, Africa), Conrado Lumahan (Philippines), etc., as well as members of government and religious leaders from Israel.

  • Hits: 19996


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