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Harald Eckert: “Israel, the Nations and the Valley of Decision”

224 pages
Price: 12,95 €

Apart from his biblical teaching on this prophetic topic and some shorter complementing contributions from different authors, you will find a prayer guideline containing 15 topics: six topics concerning prayer for Israel, six topics concerning prayer for the nations and three topics concerning prayer for the praying church. This third part, the prayer part, gives the book a very practical aspect and thereby completes it.

Don't hesitate ordering this book for yourself and also for your prayer group and intercessory partners. It will strengthen, equip and enrich you as you continue to pray for Israel and also grow into prayer for your own nation. 

It can be ordered (in english, german, italian, spanish and polish) at:

Global Prayer Call
Söldenhofstr. 10, 83308 Trostberg, GERMANY

Or use this form:

Shipping from Germany. Please note that shipping costs will be added depending on the shipping weight and destination country. 

Also available as kindle-ebook:

on, and amazon worldwide.


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