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Why GPC?

Take a stand for the wellbeing of your nation

For God so loved the world ... that He called the Jewish people into existence!

The beginning and the end of the history of the nations is a demonstration of God’s love.

God loves the nations. God loves your nation. He wants to bless, to redeem and to bring each nation back to its original calling and purpose, enabling them to bring their particular talents and collective uniqueness into the global concert of nations.

Among all the nations of the world, God has called the nation of Israel, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to play a very unique role: to be a blessing to all the peoples of the world! (Gen. 12).

The GPC vision is deeply rooted in the understanding of God’s immense love for each nation and how the Jewish people has been established as a means for God’s blessings to come upon each people group.

For God so loved the world ... that He offered a plumb line to the nations: Israel!

To accept the unique role of the Jewish people in relation to the peoples of this earth is to accept the sovereignty of the one who reveals Himself as “the God of Israel”.

To refuse to acknowledge the unique calling of Israel is to rebel against its God.

Israel and the Jewish people will then become a “stumbling block” for each of our nations. The way our nation has treated and will treat Israel and the Jewish people, is a central element in the valley of decision (Joel 3).

The GPC vision is established upon the understanding of the “plumb line” role that the Jewish people has in the Lord’s hands as He considers the ways of the nations.

For God so loved the world... that He is calling the praying church to stand!

GPC believes that the role of the intercessors is crucial at such a time as this: a time when the Lord is clearly preparing Israel, the church and the nations for His return.

In such a time as this, the praying church is surely called into its “priestly mandate” towards Israel and towards the nations: reminding them of the love, the everlasting compassion and the redemptive purposes of God. The praying church is also called to stand in its “prophetic mandate”: reminding the nations of the impact of their choices. Their choices now will have definite consequences in the valley of decisions. 

The Lord is calling the praying body to stand and bring forth a shift in the destiny of their nations as they turn and become a blessing to God’s chosen people. 

The GPC initiative is identifying the crucial period the nations are entering into and the important role of the praying church in every nation to take a spiritual stand to influence the destiny of its nation - praying that it will align itself with God’s heart for Israel and the Jewish people.


for the nations world-wide
to align with God’s heart
for Israel and its people


to the praying body to stand for their own nation, with regard to their relationship towards the Jewish people and Israel


as nations are heading towards
the valley of decision
(Joel 3, Matt 25)


The work of the Global Prayer Call is financed exclusively through the donations of sponsors, ministries and individuals who identify with and support the vision.

You can donate online with your Credit-Card or through your PayPal account. All donations will be handled by PayPal. You do NOT need a PayPal account for your credit card donation.


to the Global Prayer Call bank account (in EURO):

IBAN: DE29 5206 0410 0005 0271 87
Bank: Evangelische Bank eG
Receiver: Global Prayer Call

Newsletter (english)
