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May 3 - 5, 2019: European Prayer Conference in Sanremo, Italy

May 3 - 5, 2019: European Prayer Conference in Sanremo, Italy

May 3 - 5, 2019: European Prayer Conference in Sanremo, Italy
„For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent...“ (Isaiah 62:1)



The next „Global Prayer Call“ conference will take place from May 3 - 5, 2019, in Sanremo, Italy. Sanremo is on the Ligurian coast, a stone’s throw from Monaco, and 50 minutes by car from Nice Cote-d’Azur Airport in France. Harald Eckert, the Founder of GPC and Clive Urquhart, pastor of “Kingdom Faith Church” south of London will be leading the conference together with other prayer leaders from Europe and the US.

The Sanremo Resolution, 1920 – the foundation stone for modern Israel!

One of the most important political events in modern history took place here in Sanremo. In this beautiful Italian Riviera resort, world leaders gathered 99 years ago to make binding legal decisions that re-drew the map of the entire Middle East, and established the re-birth of an ancient nation.

On April 25th, 1920, the victors of WWI, “The Supreme Council of the Principal Allied Powers” – Britain, France, Italy, Japan, and the US – met to determine how to distribute the vast conquered territories of the defeated Ottoman Empire: 21 States were “created” for the Arab people, and 1 State was “reconstituted” to the Jewish people. On the basis of the 1917 Balfour Declaration, this world court determined to restore to the Jewish people legal title and full sovereign rights over the entire land of ‘Palestine’, as it was called at that time, including the ancient capital of Jerusalem. Under the same act of international law, known as The Sanremo Resolution of 1920, Great Britain was appointed  “Guardian of a Sacred Trust of Civilization” for the Jewish State under the Mandate for Palestine. These rulings were unanimously approved by the 51 members of the League of Nations in July 1922.

Sanremo, then, is the place where Israel was accorded irrevocable legal rights and exclusive sovereignty to all of Palestine under binding international law. These resolutions remain fully in force to this day. Sanremo is also the place where the Arab peoples received similar rights to their own lands in the rest of the Middle-east. Thus, Sanremo should be celebrated by Arab and Jewish peoples alike worldwide – especially today, on the eve of the 100th Anniversary of the Sanremo Resolution.

Modern Europe faces its deepest crises since World War II

Within the European Union, the next European Parliamentary elections will be held from May 23 to 26, 2019. The EU is going through its greatest crisis since its founding. We believe Europe’s unfaithfulness to Israel is one of the key spiritual reasons for this.

We believe that by reconnecting with Sanremo, and by embracing the momentous 1920 Resolution, we will avail ourselves of an historical “well of blessing“ – blessing both for Israel and blessing for our European Nations. If we can gather together here as a European “priestly” body, we believe that God will empower us with a special anointing to pray that:

  • Europe as a continent and the European nations will turn from breaking historic international covenants, and will restore their commitments to Israel and her ancient capital: Jerusalem.
  • We, the Body of Christ in the European nations, become an effective priestly force who will be able to exercise authority in the physical and unseen spiritual realms as we “raise our voices for Zion’s sake“ (Isaiah 62:1)

We owe it to Israel and to our nations to step forth and remind our leaders of the facts that are enshrined in international law. And as we do our part to bless Israel, God will surely fulfill His great promise to His people: “I will bless those who bless you...“ (Genesis 12:3). 

  • Hits: 11923


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