Dear praying friends around the world!
Recently, I have been deeply touched by Psalm 86. It is a psalm of David. David, with a soft and broken heart! Crying out for the mercy of God! As the Lord is comforting him and lifting his spirit, he realizes the greatnes of God by confessing the mercies of God for the nations: „Among the gods there is none like you, Lord; no deeds can compare with yours. All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name. For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God.“ How wonderful! How powerful! We may be comforted personally as we are made aware of His mercies for the nations! I share more about this in the First Friday Clip of this month of July 2021.
The last Prayer Call from June 5-6 2021, around Jerusalem-Day (Gregorian calendar), was a huge encouragement! The first and the last slot of two hours within the 26-hour call centered around Jerusalem. The first two hours focused on the input of messianic leaders Benjamin Berger and Sandra Treplinski as well as the prophetic orientation given by Rick Ridings from „Succat Hallel“ (with the Temple Mount being the center of attention) and Arab-Christian leader, … , sharing about her vision of a „love revolution“ between Jews and Arabs and beyond. The last two hours where filled by testimonies about what the Spirit of the Lord did amongst us as we prayed for different nations, continents and world regions in relation to their relationships to Israel during the 22 hours of prayer around the world. So powerful! So deep and inspirational!
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