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September 6-7, 2021: GPC Online-Conference

"The Valley of Decision"

"When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left." (Gospel of Matthew 25:31-33)

The "Feast of Trumpets" is a part of the traditional Jewish "Rosh HaShanah" feast. It is – in a way – the "serious part" of it. The picture of trumpets connects to the biblical narrative of the "Day of the Lord", which in the New Testament is the "Day of the return of the Lord", the coming/return of Messiah – "… in the sound of the trumpets with armies of angels…". This in turn connects the Feast of Trumpets with judgement of the nations and the separation of "Sheep-Nations" and "Goat-Nations" (Matthew 25:31ff). That is the biblical basis for the deep connection of the "Feast of Trumpets" and the vision and mission of Global Prayer Call: Calling the intercessors to prayer for Israel AND for their nation on the biblical-prophetic background of the judgment of the nations at the return of the Lord!

Schedule Draft

Please have a look at this schedule. It gives you an indication of the order of the call concerning time and world regions. We invite all prayer leaders and intercessors to join us in the first and the last session which is closely linked with Jerusalem in cooperation with messianic leaders and "Succat Hallel" (Rick and Patricia Ridings). On top of this, please have a look at which world regions are of special intercessory interest to you. Some details are still under discussion and may change, but for "Save the Date"-reasons we want to pass on the current information to you – for your own scheduling and to inform other intercessors, networks and prayer leaders in time.

In Him,
Harald Eckert
Founder and Director of the Global Prayer Call

  • Hits: 22702


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