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June 5-6, 2021: GPC Online-Conference

Praying for: Jerusalem, Israel, One New Man and Europe, Africa, Middle East, UK, South America, North America, Chinese speaking world, Australia, NZ, Pacific, South East Asia, Russian speaking world, … on their way to the „Valley of Decision“ (Joel 3,14)

Here you can find the conference Flyer with more details.

First Session: Jerusalem in Focus (2 hours)

For translation click here   Schedule  Flyer

Last Session: The Valley of Decision for the Nations (2 hours)

For translation click here   Schedule  Flyer

Dear intercessors from around the world!

As we currently see, the battle for Jerusalem is getting more and more intense. The Temple Mount is gaining central attention in this battle. The core question is getting clear: „Who will be finally and eternally worshiped on this Holy Hill?“

As the birth pangs for the Kingdom of God are intensivying and the preparations for the return of the Lord progressing, the „royal priesthood“ from many nations are being called to attention. We are being united, cleansed, equipped and comissioned for our call, not to be silent for Jerusalems sake. And at the same time, we are trained, to intercede for our nations sake as far as their attitude towards Jerusalem, to Zion is concerned.

In the mids of the battle for Jerusalem the release of the „One New Man“, the body of Christ from Jew and Gentile is in progress. Only together we have biblical promises for full maturity, authority and beauty in Christ.

As the re-unification of Jerusalem (according to gregorian calendar) will celebrate its 54th anniversary, we invite you to join us in prayer for the fulfilment of ALL of Gods promises for Jerusalem and for the One New Man! And on this basis, we move into prayer and intercession for our nations and world regions to become sheep nations as the eschatological „valley of decision“ concerning Jerusalem is drawing closer.

May the King of the Jews and the King of Kings return soon! To Jerusalem! Maranatha!

Harald Eckert, Clive Urquhart, Julia Warkentin
(Global Prayer Call – board)


  • Hits: 5713


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