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First Friday May 2020

  • Hits: 6528

First Friday March 2020

  • Hits: 6536

June 5-7, 2020: GPC Prayer Conference in Jerusalem

June 5-7, 2020: GPC Prayer Conference in Jerusalem
“I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem." (Isaiah 62,6)

About the Event

 About the Event

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

We would like to warmly invite you to our 4th annual prayer conference in Jerusalem from June 5th to June 7th.

"I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth" (Isaiah 62:6-7).

As WATCHMEN on the walls of Jerusalem, we are called primarily to watch over the Word and the promises of God for Jerusalem and to pray accordingly. We are called to watch out for the schemes of the enemy which try to disrupt and confuse the plans and promises of God - and to take a bold stand against them.

Taking a "stand" on the WALLS of Jerusalem is to acknowledge an exalted position in Jesus Christ. We are seated with Jesus on the throne at the right hand of the father, the almighty God, the God of Israel. From there we are increasingly receiving a heavenly perspective, an eagle eye view of the attitudes and actions of our nations and continents toward Jerusalem as they move toward the final valley of decision.

As watchmen on the walls of JERUSALEM, by being in Jerusalem 53 years after its miraculous re-unification in 1967, we, as part of the royal priesthood (1 Pet 2,9), are building a prophetic and redemptive bridge in the Spirit between this priestly, royal and prophetic city and our nations and continents. As we do, we are being purified, exalted and recharged for our priestly task back at home.

Israel and your nation are in dire need of your intercession - and we believe that God wants to move powerfully within this generation! I invite you to heed this global call to prayer and represent your nation at this pivotal event. Join us to pray for the wellbeing of Jerusalem, the city of the Great King, as well as for the relationship of your nation / continent with Israel, Jerusalem and God's chosen people.

We look forward to welcoming you to the City of David and the city of the son of David!

Harald Eckert, founder of the Global Prayer Call

  • Hits: 5296

June 5-6, 2020: GPC Online-Conference

53. Anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem


Harald Eckert (GER)

Rick and Patricia Ridings (IL)

Benjamin Berger (IL)

Julia Warkentin (GER)

Karin Heepen (GER)

Clive and Jane Urquhart (UK)


… and Prayer-Leaders from Africa, Asia-Pacific, South-America, Russia, China, Europe and other world-regions.

June 5th, 4pm to June 6th, 5pm
right here on this page
or on our YouTube-Channel:

Technical instructions for translation

We offer translation into different languages (German, Spanish, French, Russian …) for the two main events of the Global Prayer Call Conference on Friday and Saturday.

You can watch the livestream on our website and turn down the sound. For the translation on your computer, click on this link and choose your language.  

If you want to listen to the translation on your smartphone or tablet, download the LiveVoice App  from Google Play  or Apple App Store  to your mobile device. In the app, enter the number 003 876 to listen. You can connect a few minutes before the conference starts to test your device.

  • Hits: 19956

Watchmen on the Walls of Jerusalem

  • Hits: 6419

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The work of the Global Prayer Call is financed exclusively through the donations of sponsors, ministries and individuals who identify with and support the vision.

You can donate online with your Credit-Card or through your PayPal account. All donations will be handled by PayPal. You do NOT need a PayPal account for your credit card donation.


to the Global Prayer Call bank account (in EURO):

IBAN: DE29 5206 0410 0005 0271 87
Bank: Evangelische Bank eG
Receiver: Global Prayer Call

Newsletter (english)
